Elders from all of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribes came together to raise awareness about the issues of late life abuse on our Reservations. The issue of Elder abuse is on of the most hidden and underserved concern of our times. We, as Elders, came together to give a voice and start the discussion of abuse of Elders on our Reservations. We held our first conference on 2013. We are now in the process of developing the second conference to be held in April of 2014 , in Walker, Minnesota.
The cost of the conference is now in the hands of each Reservations Elders group. This raffle is one of the many fund raising events that the combined Chippewa Elders are organizing.
This is the Fond du Lac Reservation Elders main funding event, the jingle dress raffle. The dress was designed and created by two award winning artists. Both Ms. Wendy Savage and Ms. Karen Savage-Blue are well known artists and have won numerous awards and received many art grants for their artwork. Not only are they sisters, but have had many art exhibitions with other family members. The two sisters, now elders, came together to put their artistic talents to design a one of a kind traditional jingle dress. It is their hope that this jingle dress will help raise much need funds for the upcoming 2014 conference.