OUR MISSION: The PORT is a youth-driven teen center which provides a safe, enriching, and dynamic atmosphere for area teenagers.  The PORT strives to provide a hip, chem-free alternative in the social life of teens. The PORT is led by a Teen Advisory Board and is assisted by an Adult Coordinator, Adult Advisory Council, and many caring and generous individuals, businesses and organizations.

Sitting Pretty: Silent and Live Auction is The PORT's largest annual fundraiser.  Now in its 6th year, volunteer teen and adult artists paint, sculpt and create works of fabulous "folk art".  The art auctions have raised over $44,000.  This year clocks and lazy susans are the canvases.  Useful and decorative: not just for the kitchen table, but for your workshop, art room, bathroom, picnic table....and our one-of-a kind handcrafted clocks make great gifts.  THINK FUNCTIONAL ART!!

Mark your calendars now for the Sitting Pretty Silent and Live Auction 2014
  • Sunday, March 23, 4 - 6:30 at the Freeport Community Center
  • All welcome * Great music * Fabulous food * Family friendly fun for all ages
  • Online Auction Preview of other Clocks and Lazy Susan
  • You need not be present to win raffle
  • Can't attend auction?  Call Randall and make a secret bid 207-522-1383
Thank you to our sponsors: Bath Savings Trust, Thomaston Place Auction Galleries, Sherwin Williams-Yarmouth, Clay Play-Yarmouth, Freeport Hardware Store, Peter Schwanda-Graphic Designer, Colorgraphics, RSU5-RCE, The Town of Freeport, Enterprise Engineering, Inc., LL Bean, Maine Optometry, South Freeport Church, Bath Savings Institute, Freeport Rotary Club, Brown Goldsmiths, White Cedar Inn, The Ollie Fund of the Maine Community Foundation

Thank you Sebastian Meade for painting the feature clock for our poster and promotions.

  • $560.00

    raised of $2,000.00 goal
  • 0 day

    left until we draw

What You Could Win

  • Lazy Susan and Wall Clock Package

    Hand-painted Lazy Susan by Tina Edwards and Wall Clock by Jay and Randall Thomas