The profile picture is the Jacob we all know and love. He is the kid that is a party waiting to happen. When you meet Jacob you fall in love with him instantly. Jacob loves sports, and he LOVES Texas Tech. He was on the football and basketball team in Jr. High.
The last part of January 2014, he began having severe headaches, and as you do with all teenagers, you give them some aspirin and send them on their way. But Jacob's headaches did not stop they just continued to get worse.
It was finally determined that there was a growth above his eye and he was sent to a specialist at Cook's Children's Hospital.
They determined it was a tumor and this tumor needed to be identified. Because of the location of the tumor, and the fact the optic nerve was wrapped around it, they were not able to remove it.
The next step was chemotherapy, but the tumor continued to grow and began to hemorrhage. At that point there was no other choice but to go back in and try to get a biopsy to determine the type of tumor. They determined this tumor is not cancer, but it is extremely aggressive and can spread rapidly. Radiation is now the last and only viable option they have at this point.
Jacob is currently at MD Anderson for 6 weeks going through radiation. Jacob has continued to know, because of his surrender of his life to Jesus prior to all of these events, that his God is bigger than this or any tumor. Although he will never play any contact sports ever again, his first hope is that he is healed and his second that his Red Raiders win a National Championship. Jacob lives his life knowing the saving truth of 2 Corinthians 12:9, that God's grace is sufficient, and that in this weakness of the flesh he is facing, God is made strong. That is the message Jacob wants to share with the world and the message he is spreading during his time in Houston. You can see his story and all prize pictures on Facebook at Praying for Jacob.