Take a chance and you might be on your way to Iceland for as little as 1.50$!The facts:I got accepted into a very prestigious MBA program but after searching for scholarships, grants and other financial help for months without any luck I have decided to hold a raffle online to fund the remainder with the help of the internet.
In return I want to offer a trip to Iceland that is tailored to the winner, be it a romantic getaway,
newlyweds or someone who wants to go all out and
party in Iceland - I'll do my absolute best in fulfilling their needs.
Why do it like this?The internet is an amazing place where people are increasingly more willing to help one another. I figured that since this is my last straw in making the dream come true I want to give something back to a few people who hopefully will enable me to make this long-term goal come true.
Why Iceland? It's a truly unique place to visitNow its time to hope that people love Iceland as much as I do! Iceland is the home of amazing nature including but not limited to: Volcanoes, waterfalls, hot springs, geysers, aurora borealis (northern lights) and famous and friendly folks like Björk, Sigur Rós, Of Monsters and Men and Jón Gnarr - arguably the world's most loveable politician.
Icelandic folks are known for being friendly, fun and outgoing.
The drawing will be handled by the Random Picker online service to ensure a truly random winnerFun facts about Iceland:
- We have one of the lowest crime rates in the world
- Damon Albarn loves Iceland and owns a house here
- We were the first country to have a female president
- Our chief of police is a woman and that's normal for us
- Icelandic tap water is better then all your fancy bottled water - and it's free
- Total population is just over 330 thousand
- The economic collapse made it much more affordable to visit Iceland then it was before
Some things you can experience while in Iceland:
Aurora Borealis - the northern lights:Dancing in the sky above you on a clear winter night they are truly breathtaking.
World famous Blue Lagoon:
A unique geothermal spa situated in a vast lava field just 35 minutes outside Reykjavik. Simmering around 37 to 39°C the Blue Lagoon's waters contain minerals and salts essential for wellbeing as well as an algae that stimulates the skin’s natural collagen production.
The small print:- Should the winner not be able to visit Iceland he or she will be offered to get a lump sum payment of 1500$ instead to a charity of her choosing.
- Should a company partake and win the raffle it can choose to donate the main prize to another randomly drawn individual, give it to a chartable cause or accept the main prize as-is.
- Should the sold tickets amount to less then the price of the winnings all entrants will be refunded