Hi, We are in the fourth grade at Ruffing Montessori School in Cleveland, Ohio. We are trying to raise money to help save a chimp named Garfield. Here is his history: Garfield was born on March 9, 1991 at the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research. When he was three, he was taken from his mother.  He remained at Southwest until he was seven, when he was sent to the Coulston Foundation and was anesthetized six times within that first year for physicals and blood screenings.There are only 150,000 chimps left all across Africa and their population is decreasing very fast. Chimps are endangered because they are being sold illegally and destroying their habitats. It cost $16,000 a year to take care of a chimp with our donation of $500 we  symbolically adopt a chimp which will give it nutritious meals, the first five people to buy 50 tickets get a free T-shirt. If we raise more than our goal then we can help more chimps.  :)
  • $150.00

    raised of $300.00 goal
  • 0 day

    left until we draw

What You Could Win

  • Ripstick

    A blue ripstick, you use almost like a skateboard you move your hips so that it will swirl.

  • $25 iTunes Gift Card

    An iTunes giftcard for games, music and other iTunes things.