The Cat Empire are proudly in their 5th year as ambassadors 
for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, an organisation in our home town whose 
values and actions we passionately support.  With your help we are aiming to raise $10,000 for them to allocate to the important areas they are needed. 


Filmed on Felix's family farm in country Victoria, the video clip for "Bulls" was a long hot day, with a great result that captures the high energy and color of the song.  

Prizes in the raffle are a selection of the props featured in the video clip - all purposefully weathered, rusted, painted and dusted - and signed by all members of the band. 

They include Harry's trumpet, Felix's mic, Jumps' records, and a selection of items from Will's drum kit. 

Tickets: $5 each / or 5 tickets for $20 



You’re probably aware by now that we are big supporters of the work the Asylum Seekers Resource Centre in Melbourne. Since 2001, the ASRC has assisted over 10,000 people seeking asylum in Australia, solely through the support of community financial and volunteer contributions. With over 30,000 people still in limbo with refugee claims in Australia, there is still many in our community that require vital assistance across a range of areas.

The ASRC delivers services and support to over 
2000 asylum seekers in Melbourne at any one time, including food and 
material aid, health, housing and legal services, as well as casework 
and counselling support. The Centre doesn’t take any Federal Government 
funding – it relies on donations from individuals and organisations for 
95 per cent of its funding. The support ASRC receives from the community
 means they can ensure asylum seekers receive the dignity, respect and 
compassion they deserve. 

Read more information about the ASRC here: 

  • $2,395.00

    raised of $10,000.00 goal
  • 0 day

    left until we draw

What You Could Win

  • The Cat Empire - Bulls Video - Signed Prop Trumpet

    The trumpet used for the video clip for Bulls - signed by all members of The Cat Empire

  • The Cat Empire - Bulls Video - Signed Prop Mic

    The mic used for the video clip for Bulls - signed by all members of The Cat Empire

  • The Cat Empire - Bulls Video - Signed Prop drum

    The snare drum used for the video clip for Bulls - signed by all members of The Cat Empire

  • The Cat Empire - Bulls Video - Signed Prop Cymbol

    A cymbol used for the video clip for Bulls - signed by all members of The Cat Empire

  • The Cat Empire - Bulls Video - Signed vinyl record

    One of the vinyl used for the video clip for Bulls - signed by all members of The Cat Empire