Win A 60-Minute Inner Exploration Session With Jen

$0.00 raised

· Entries close Oct 23, 2016 at 10:00PM ·

0 days to go

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Hello dearest community,
I am offering the opportunity to enter a raffle to win a 60-minute inner cultivation session with me! Tickets are only $1, however, the more tickets you buy, the greater chance you have of winning the raffle! (*Note, you can buy 5 tickets for $4!)

In this 60-minute session, we can explore together some of the following:
*ways in which you feel stuck and want to move forward with your life
*co-dependent patterns and relationships in your life
*how to embrace more of the power of who you truly are
*how to let go of expectations that others have of you and live in the truth of who you are
*how to begin living outside of the boxes you have created for yourself

I look forward to meeting you all and diving into some juicy exploration together!

Here is what one woman said about our hour-long session together, "I benefited SO much from our one hour phone call. I can't even imagine the progress I could make within myself if I could afford to do consistent sessions with Jen!!" -Anonymous
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The Prize

  • 60-Minutes of Uninterrupted Time Exploring the Depths of You

    At the end of this week-long raffle, I will pick a name from a hat and announce who has won this 60-minute inner cultivation session with me!