Earn your own work from home business!

$0.00 raised

· Entries close Dec 17, 2016 at 5:00PM ·

0 days to go

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Want to work at home as a travel agent earning both free travel and commissions from every event that you book? Is coming up with the $199. startup fee an extra challenge for you? Here's your chance to WIN a home business!

For every 15 tickets sold a winner will be drawn, and a business created! It's really that simple! Once you've signed up and started your business, you'll instantly be eligible to earn to free cruises (they're earned by studying and earning points) and you'll qualify for industry rates at hotels, car rental companies, and airlines all over the world.

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The Prize

  • An Honest Work at Home Business!

    Usually, you simply pay the fee, we get you set up and trained, and WHAM 200 bux later, you're a travel agent with the world literally at your fingertips. Today, we're doin' something different. We're giving you the chance to buy a raffle ticket, for 20 bucks, you'll get started earning commissions before Christmas, without paying the startup cost before Christmas!