Funding Fosters (Animal)

$0.00 raised

· Entries close Mar 31, 2017 at 5:00PM ·

0 days to go

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There  are plenty of people in this world that are doing a wonderful job of temporarily fostering displaced pet until a forever home can be found. There are also so many people that have the time, space and heart to be a foster but cannot afford it.  The purpose of this program is to pay the cost of caring for a pet (i.e. food, vet, etc.)  until the pet can be placed in a forever home.  The more displaced pets that can be put into a temporary foster and adoption system, less will be euthanized at over crowded shelters.  

The Prize

  • $100 eGift Card for Starbucks Coffee

    This particular raffle will raise enough money for a foster to care for a pet for several months.  There will be other products being raffled soon so check back.  Thank you for your donation.   Drawing will be held April  5, 2017.