Standing Rock DreamCatcher

$400.00 raised

· Entries close Apr 01, 2017 at 8:00PM ·

0 days to go

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I'm Randomly Doing A custom DreamCatcher With Standing Rock And The Water protectors In Mind. I Will Be Donating Half The Proceeds Towards Standing Rock. This Is My First Raffle, So Let's Raise As Much As We Can To A Great Cause, To Help Our Brothers And Sisters On The Front Lines. This DreamCatcher measures 14.38" wide by 31"

The Prize

  • Standing Rock DreamCatcher

    I'm doing this so that I can contribute to the Water Protectors, as well as making an awesome DreamCatcher to whomever wins.  This DreamCatcher is still in the making,  still needs to be engraved,  and the 5 feathers made that will hang from it.  It's for a great cause,  it's for our Brothers and Sisters.  Let's get these tickets sold.  Check Out MI'G-MAQ CUSTOMS to see more of my work.