Your Worthy Raffle

£0.00 raised

· Entries close May 31, 2017 at 7:00AM ·

0 days to go

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Take our poll to win a free ticket to watch one of these movies with worthy entertainment concierge. Never heard of us well were a new and improved entertainment serivce. check us out.

Fingers crossed you get the chance to be chauffered around london. Good luck 

The Prize

  • Win Your Worthy Experienced Ticket

    Our service provides a full day out of entertainment, food and drinks at extravagant locations. The chosen package will be selected for a saturday with the choice of vehicle, movie, restaurant, a tour of london, lounge and hotel. Once the date arrives you’ll receive a message that the chauffer will be arriving and when it has arrived taking you to your first destination being the cinema then to the next a restaurant where a menu with the finest meals awaits ordering. Ending with the chauffer taking you to your hotel room stay. 

    You and one companion have the chance to have a worthwhile well deserved day of luxury.