Hello and Welcome to Elysium STE's Monthly Ship Raffle!
Please note that this raffle is a part of the Video Game Star Citizen, and contains Digital Merchandise. This is NOT intended for use by the general public.
With that said, this month we will raffling off a very special ship!
However this isn't an ordinary ship. It's the special pirate cutlass, complete with tractor beam, coupling ring, and Skull & Crossbones SKIN! This ship is NOT available in store any more, and can be found for upwards of $200 on the Grey Market.
All very exciting stuff.
Raffle tickets are $10 Each, or 3 for $25. There is a limit of 25 entries so get them now!
Proceeds will go towards buying the ship, any remainder will be used for Org assets, like developing a website, database programs, etc.
If you Have any questions Contact @ADM. LoneSpaceWanderer