#TeamTodd Fundraiser

· Entries close Jun 18, 2017 at 12:00AM ·

0 days to go

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Our dear friend Todd has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cancer.

The Cancer is eating his face away and is causing severe pain and discomfort. Doing simple things like eating & drinking are becoming increasingly more painful and difficult.

The GOOD NEWS is that there is a Cancer Clinic in Mexico that is currently treating him but the cost is approx $150,000. We have been able to raise about $50,000 of that but still need another $100,000 for him to remain in that clinic and finally be cured of this horrible disease.

Family and friends have been his backbone and support, without whom he wouldn’t have made it this far.  Todd has truly shown amazing strength of character in dealing with this incredible emotional roller-coaster as well as the multitude of extremely difficult hurdles constantly being thrown at him.

That said, We are asking that you please purchase as many raffle tickets as you can so we can make sure Todd continues to get the level of care that he so desperately needs, and at the same time, make this a fun and beautiful experience where you could win some really cool items or experiences as well.

Todd has been there for so many of us throughout the years and has been such a giving and generous human being, let's pull together and show him that we love him and will help him through this most difficult time.

We have so much to be grateful for, and if the shoe was on the other foot, what would you want from your friends, family, community, and support system?

"A healthy person has a thousand wishes, but a sick person has only one."

Let's help make this man's wish come true.

Thank you for your love and support.

The Prizes

  • Yoga

    You will get 1 hour private or group yoga class with our beautiful Tanya. You can choose to do it in studio or home setting.
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  • Spray tan

    1 organic spray tan at
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    Sunless Rae in Fullerton
  • Long board

    A custom painted Bob Marley long board
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  • Cupping

    One cupping session 
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  • Eyebrow/eyelashes

    Eyebrow clean up, eyelash tint and perm 
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  • See all the prizes