Raffle - Care for Christian

· Entries close Nov 24, 2017 at 9:00PM ·

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My 12-year-old nephew, Christian, has been battling an extremely rare form of cancer, Undifferentiated Sarcoma since he was 9 years old. He has had  2 different types of chemo, radiation, and 3 surgeries. He is the strongest person I know! With a heavy heart, I am writing to inform you that his battle is not getting any easier. Over the last several months, we have received news that Christian has developed multiple new tumors that cannot be surgically removed this time but we believe in miracles!

In the upcoming weeks, we will be hosting a giveaway (for a $500 VISA giftcard) in which the proceeds will be to purchase Christian’s medication and other necessities to make him as comfortable as possible.

Let’s all help raise the money needed for Christian to get his medication as soon as possible. Please donate and share!

His story:



His pain has increased over the last 2 days and hasn't been able to get a scan. They are increasing his pain medication and if that doesn't work, they will give him an IV to better push the medicine they want to give him. We believe the tumor is getting bigger and that is the source of his pain. We will update you with results...

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