Bottle 262 of 710 produced. MSRP on the bottle is $1,800.00, but good luck finding one for sale! You can own one for just $25.00, and help a fantastic charity in the process!
The prize: The winner of this prize will receive one bottle of Old Rip Van Winkle 25-year-old bourbon (actual bottle pictured). Bottle can be authenticated by original retailer, if requested. Winner will also receive domestic airfare for two to New Orleans* and two nights at the New Orleans Windsor Court Hotel. You will take possession of the bottle in person, and will be responsible for returning it to your home.
Who we are: Swineaux is a 501c(3) organization whose primary fundraising function is to compete in Hogs for the Cause, a barbecue competition and festival in New Orleans, LA each March (March 23-24, 2018). Hogs for the Cause, Inc. is also a 501c(3) organization. 100% of the proceeds of the raffle will be donated to Hogs for the Cause, Inc.
Hogs for the Cause:Hogs for the Cause is a 501c(3) organization that provides aid and relief of those variable expenses and economic burdens which families face while their child is being treated for pediatric brain cancer. Currently, Hogs for the Cause operates as the premier funding source for pediatric brain cancer outreach services in the United States and has given grants to over 600 families in need, and has made financial contributions to children's hospitals in New Orleans, South Carolina and Atlanta.
The raffle will be conducted on Facebook live on the night of the event, March 24. If all tickets sell in advance of March 24, the drawing will be conducted live at 5:00 p.m. Central Standard time.
*Winner may opt for $400.00 cash in lieu of airfare, but will receive hotel room for two nights at Windsor Court. Trip to New Orleans dates flexible, based on schedule and convenience of winner and availability of hotel.
**Cash, airfare and hotel stay not paid from proceeds of raffle.
***Winner must be 21 years of age, which will be verified at time of delivery of bottle by State or Federal identification card.
One bottle of Old Rip Van Winkle 25-year-old Bourbon and Trip for two to New Orleans, LA.
The prize: The winner of this prize will receive one bottle of Old Rip Van Winkle 25-year-old bourbon (actual bottle pictured). Bottle can be authenticated by Sazerac, if requested. Winner will also receive airfare for two to New Orleans* and two nights at the New Orleans Windsor Court Hotel. You will take possession of the bottle in person, and will be responsible for returning it to your home.
*Winner may opt for $400.00 cash in lieu of airfare, but will receive hotel room for two nights at Windsor Court.
**Cash, airfare and hotel stay not paid from proceeds of raffle.