· Entries close Dec 10, 2020 at 9:00PM ·

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We are going to RAFFLE a brand new Play station 5 and a Brand New XBOX and a 3rd ,4th and 5th place.
We will have 5 Winners : Only 100 people will be able to purchase tickets and participate for this raffle . The raffle will be done LIVE on FB LIVE on La ley 877 and the Purotejanofm Facebook as soon as 100 people purchase tickets or on Thursday December 10th whatever comes first.
We will pull 23 tickets (names and the 24th name) will be the winner of the play station 5 then we will pull 24 names (the 25th name) will be the second place winner.  Then we will pull 4 more names for the 3rd place and the fifth name will be that winner and for the forth and fifth place we will do it the same way the 5th name will be the winner.
questions can be sent to [email protected]  The winner will be Called or emailed and will receive the prize in up 48 Hrs.
Winner has the option to take the Play station 5 or $900 cash and the second place $800
A minimum of 80 tickets must be sold for this raffle to take place in the case that by 12/10/20 we have not met the minimum a full refund will be sent to everyone.

Vamos a Rifar un Play station 5 nuevo de paquete y un Xbox
Vamos a tener un primer y segundo lugar tercer,cuarto y quinto lugar. Solo 100 personas podran comprar boletos para participar
la rifa se transmitira en vivo en FB LIVE en el facbeook de LA LEY 877 O purotejanofm al solo las 100 personas compren boletos o el dia Lunes 7 de Diciembre lo que pase primero.
se sacaran 23 Boletos de rifa y el numero 24 sera el ganador de el PLAY STATION luego sacaremos 24 boletos y el numero 25 sera el ganador de el segundo lugar .Para el tercer ,cuarto y quinto lugar se sacaran 4 nombres y el 5to sera el ganador
dudas o preguntas a [email protected]
el ganador podra levantar su premio o se le enviara por correo en un tiempo de 48 Hrs despues de ganar o tendra la opcion de $900 dolares si es el ganador de el primer lugar y el segundo lugar $800
un minimo de 90 boletos de tienen que vender para que esta rifa se lleve acabo en el caso que para el dia 12/10/20 no se a vendido el minimo un rembolso completo se le dara a todos los participantes.

The Prizes