Warden David Brent Clay - Fundraiser Raffle

· Entries close May 21, 2022 at 6:00PM ·

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We Need Your Help
The thin green line family is reaching out for support on behalf of one of our Game Warden families who received a tragic loss and is in need. 

David Brent Clay an Oklahoma Game Warden who has been serving the sportsman of Oklahoma for over a decade tragically passed away on March 31, 2022. He leaves behind his wife Diana and daughter Riley. 

In an effort to help the family with this unforeseen financial burden, Lee’s Firearms of Catoosa, fellow officers, and family friends have come together and donated a rifle to be raffled off. 

The winner of the raffle will have their choice of either a Browning A-Bolt III Hunter Bolt Action Rifle in .300 Win Mag  -or-  an Oklahoma Combination Resident Lifetime Hunting and Fishing License. 

The drawing will be held on May 21st at 6:00 PM. All tickets will need to be purchased before that date. Tickets are $10 each or 6 for $50 or 13 for $100. All proceeds will go directly to Warden Clay’s family to help with expenses. 

Thank You for helping us give back to someone who gave so much to all of us. We appreciate the continued thoughts and prayers for the Clay family & thin green line family.  

The Prize

  • Browning A-Bolt III .300 Win Mag -or- A Oklahoma Lifetime Resident Combination Hunting & Fishing License

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    The raffle winner will receive their choice of either a new Browning A-Bolt III Hunter Bolt Action Rifle chambered in .300 Win Mag  -or-  An Oklahoma Resident Lifetime Combination Hunting & Fishing License.  The rifle will be available from a local Federal Firearms Dealer. The license can be issued to any resident of Oklahoma who qualifies for the license.