Voluntourism To Guatemala

· Entries close Nov 02, 2018 at 11:00PM ·

0 days to go

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We were originally going to raffle this off at the TKO boat party.  Since the event ended earlier than expected we have decided to extend the raffle! After the party, Marco and I received a lot of text messages and calls from people who were at the party but did not get their tickets before the event was abruptly ended.  We also know there are a lot of people who wanted to enter the raffle who could not make it to the party.  So for everyone who already purchased your tickets at the event.... we are DOUBLING YOUR ENTRY as a thank you for your patience and understanding.  Also since we know you expected to find out the winner that night.  We are extending the raffle until November 2nd at 11pm and will be going live on IG at midnight to pick the winners!!!!!
If you had already purchased your raffle, send a picture of your raffle tickets, your full name, email address and IG name (if you have one) to [email protected].  You will receive a confirmation email shortly after we receive your information and verify your raffle tickets.
I can't wait for you to come on this trip with us!
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The Prize