David's Fisherman's Reel Raffle II

$0.00 raised

· Entries close Apr 11, 2019 at 4:00AM ·

0 days to go

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David was working on a Fishing Vessel in Alaska and he fell.  It's been since September 2016 and his second operation was one month ago.  David has had 2 operations one on each foot and hardware implanted into each foot.  David will be disabled his entire life, and in paint.  David had to stop school,  35 credits from graduating Bakersfield Community College (Forestry)  He cannot pursue because he cannot do that type of work since his accident on the FV Gorden Jensen in 2016.  David lost his truck, and has not been able to work after he came back from the Fish Processing Job in Alaska.    David is a sportsman, so he wants to raise money through Fishing and enable the fisherman to get their rods on raffle so they can afford to go on more fishing trips and have better gear.

The Prize

  • Shamino T130 WRLSA Fishing Reel

    Top of the Line, Tuna, Marlin, Shamino T130WRLSA Fishing Reel.  Good Luck Fisherman