Dear Friends: as you may know, I have been granted permission by the authorities of the
Brothers of Saint John to live on the grounds of the
Regina Caeli Hermitage permanently, in view of discerning a call to a hermitical way of life and facilitating the Denver Priory Brothers' efforts to preach retreats at the RCH.
This new and exciting change will take place in September; the "Peace" hermitage is where I will live and is currently undergoing works. We still need to hook up the electric power, water, and sewage to the hermitage, and build a bathroom/kitchenette extension - and all this by September! If Providence blesses us with generous donors, we could even have a garage before winter to house a snowplow truck which is already pledged!
It is for this purpose that our traditional gathering in honor of
Our Lady Queen of Heaven (
Regina Caeli in Latin), which is scheduled for
Saturday August 24th this year, will be at the same time a
fundraiser event. Instead of a Potluck Picnic, we will have a
Hog Roast event, with a raffle and prizes to win.