· Entries close Sep 21, 2019 at 11:00PM ·

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We are excited to be raising money for our Mission Team to Ethiopia where we will serve an orphanage in a little village in Harbu Chulule, Ethiopia.   Here we will construct buildings, help people get water at the well, plant trees, teach kids, and so much more.  Consider raffling this one of a kind painting of the grounds in Ethiopia.  The houses represent, one all of the volunteers from around the world, and then all of the people of Ethiopia that we serve.  They each walk a different road of life to get to that point where because of God we meet on the big road of life.  Thank you for your support of our team.

The Prize

  • Two Roads, One Mission

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    Also included in this raffle will be a $100 artist credit with Sarah Clostio Artistry.  She is a very talented artist and that credit will go towards a commissioned one of a kind piece just for you.