Raffle Creator
· Entries close Nov 29, 2019 at 11:00PM ·
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The Cresskill HSA is happy to announce a monthly raffle for the best parking spot in the school main parking.
At the end of each month an HSA parent will draw the winner for this spot for the next month!!!!
The winner will have a designated AMAZING parking spot for their car for the following month.
Any parent or student can buy as many raffle tickets as they want on the HSA website to try to win this spot for the following month.
If you do not have a driving teen (lucky you…) you can still win and give it to a friend, neighbor or student you know.
All the money gained from this fundraiser, as all other HSA money goes back to our students!
DON’T BE LATE, buy tickets as soon as you can and have your child park right in front of the entrance for a whole month!!!!
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The Prize
December HSA Parking Spot
DON’T BE LATE, buy tickets as soon as you can and have your child park right in front of the entrance for a whole month!!!!