Oliver's story, told by his mom, Gwen. 08/18/18 is a day I will never forget. We were called by a Doctor from CHOP (knowing that this doesn’t happen unless somethings really wrong, I was sick to my stomach) and told to come right to their ER, Oliver’s blood work was extremely abnormal. When we got there we rehashed the whole story, Weight loss, night sweats, cough, extreme fatigue, abnormal labs..... they ordered more blood work, a CXR because of the cough and then later a CT scan (Probably because they seen the huge mass in his chest). The attending ER doctor Came in and pulled up his chest CT on the screen and I became instantly sick.....”Oliver has a mass in his chest, we are not sure exactly what it is, we are going to have oncology come see him”. Oncology?!? Within a few hours we were taken to a private room (I didn’t want to go, I knew it was bad, maybe if I didn’t hear it, it wouldn’t exist) and we were told “We believe Oliver has Lymphoma” Oliver was given the diagnosis of Nodular Sclerosing Stage 4b Hodgkins Lymphoma. I’ve never felt so helpless, so mad, so sad in my life. Since that day I feel like a robot on autopilot, I have to be, WE are fighting. We are physically and mentally exhausted but there’s no time to give into this....We must keeping fighting. I will never be the same, my life will never be the same, I am not the same person anymore. Oliver's life is forever changed, even after he is cured (he WILL be cured), he faces a lifetime of side effects from the very treatments that save his life (new cancers, recurring cancer, infertility, neurological deficits, lung issues, cardiac issues... the list goes on) a lifetime of worrying if the cancer will come back. We were told this is a “good cancer to have...highly treatable”....it came back. Everyday I wake up wondering why my son? He’s a sweet, innocent, smart kid....why him? Why can’t I take this burden for him. I can’t believe it’s been a year, and the fight still continues. Hug your kids, be thankful for their health, just be thankful. Prayers are needed and we are very grateful for each and every one of them.
The Prizes
Eagles Corn Hole Set
Custom made wooden Corn Hole set, hand crafted for the "Pancakes for Oliver" benefit occurring on Saturday, 9/14 from 9 to 12pm at Keller Williams Real Estate located at 584 Middletown Blvd, A-50 in Langhorne, PA. You don't need to be present to win, though we'd sure love to see you there if you can make it! More information can be obtained from Gail Shulski 215-760-1530 Drawing to occur on Sunday, 9/15 at the start of the Eagles game. Go Birds! USE THIS LINK TO BUY TICKETS. 1 FOR $5 5 FOR $20 https://paypal.me/GailShulski?locale.x=en_US
Eagles Welcome Doorway Sign
Custom made wooden Eagles Doorway Sign to show your team spirit! Tall sign can be used indoor or out, year round! Sign has been hand crafted for the "Pancakes for Oliver" benefit occurring on Saturday, 9/14 from 9 to 12pm at Keller Williams Real Estate located at 584 Middletown Blvd, A-50 in Langhorne, PA. You don't need to be present to win, though we'd sure love to see you there if you can make it! More information can be obtained from Gail Shulski 215-760-1530 Drawing to occur on Sunday, 9/15 at the start of the Eagles game. Go Birds! Use this link to purchase tickets. 1 for $5 5 for $20 HTTPS://WWW.PAYPAL.ME/MIKEFRIEDMAN77