Grand Prize is $1,000
The way an elimination dinner works is people buy a preset amount of tickets. In our case 250 tickets. All the tickets are put in a container and we draw tickets through the night. As a ticket is drawn they are eliminated from their chance to win the grand prize of $1,000. Other winners include the first ticket drawn and the 125th ticket .. they will win $100.
Once we get to the last 10 tickets those people are given the option to split the money or draw another ticket until we either split the $1,000 or one person wins it. If the person who bought the ticket is not present we assume they want to split unless you tell us otherwise when purchasing the ticket.
Once we get to the last 10 tickets those people are given the option to split the money or draw another ticket until we either split the $1,000 or one person wins it. If the person who bought the ticket is not present we assume they want to split unless you tell us otherwise when purchasing the ticket.
During the event we will be selling cash games and 50/50 so there are plenty of ways to win money and support Ashley Ice and her family!