Ramey Slaughter Reunion Christmas

· Entries close Dec 11, 2019 at 9:00PM ·

0 days to go

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Ho-Ho-Ho Merry Christmas Family.

I am pleased to have all of you join us as we make our 2021 Family Reunion the most spectacular one ever. Like everything from the beginning of time things cost money so your Arkansas committee has come up with some very wonderful ways to raise some funds. Please take note of the amazing deals we have when buying your tickets. Lets talk prizes. Everyone knows that every raffle has a great prize so this will be the first to many raffles. since we want max participation from the entire family we decided to do an internet raffle that way everyone can get involved. so this particular raffle will last about 4 weeks long so you have 4 weeks to get as many tickets as you can. the prize for this raffle will be $250.00. So don't delay and act fast cause ticket sales will not last.  

The Prizes