Annual Boerne ArtSpring

· Entries close Apr 23, 2021 at 6:00PM ·

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2021 Boerne ArtSpring hosted by Ambleside School of Boerne

Great Prizes for a Great School!
Each year Ambleside School of Boerne hosts an event showcasing the student's artwork known as Boerne ArtSpring. Community support is crucial in supporting this life-giving school. ArtSpring is a way for Ambleside School of Boerne to raise funds for supplies, scholarships, teacher salaries, and facility expenses.
The outstanding prizes for this year's raffle have all been donated, therefore all proceeds go directly to the school. 

Please join us on April 24, 2021, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Kronkosky Place for opportunities for more amazing events and prizes. Winners will be drawn at the event and can be viewed over Facebook Live! Be sure to Follow Amblside's ArtSpring Event for more information and a glimpse into this year's event.

Raffle Tickets are $10 each, or buy 10 tickets get 2 free!

Click the "ENTER NOW" Button to get started!

**Check back often for New Prizes added!

The Prizes