GeeGee's Major 2020 Raffle

$2,140.00 raised

· Entries close Apr 21, 2020 at 5:00AM ·

0 days to go

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Aloha & E Komo Mai!
My name is Gavrielle Gadsden Major, but everybody calls me “Gee Gee”! I am five years old. I love singing, drawing, doing ballet, and stuntin’ like my daddy! This year I am participating in the Lambda Chi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Miss Fashionetta Pageant, a pageant designed to help positively prepare, support and inspire young ladies (just like me) for college and beyond. I'm in the LaPetite category, which is for little girls (aged 5 to 11) .... with extra handsome fathers. 
I would love to be crowned with a shiny tiara. Only princesses wear them! I would also get a trophy, a sash, and a lei. Can you help me raise $1,000?  If so, I promise to share HALF!! The other half of the funds raised will go towards supporting local community programs AND helping one (or maybe even two!) deserving high school senior(s), here on the island of O'ahu, win a scholarship!
One day, I will attend Hampton University aka “The Real HU”; but for now, I am learning the importance of sharing, helping others and giving back to my community... everyone wins!

"Mahalo" in advance for your support! GeeGee
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The Prizes