Summerlin Rotary Harvest Wine Raffle

· Entries close Oct 13, 2020 at 6:00PM ·

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The Summerlin Rotary Club of Las Vegas (NV) Harvest Wine Festival will be held on October 13, 2020, at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom. The evening will include commentary on wines from a guest speaker along with drawings for bottles of boutique wines. Proceeds from the event will fund, in part, a Child Sex Trafficking Awareness Campaign in Clark County, NV (Las Vegas), and other community service projects.  Drawing tickets can be purchased at

The FBI has identified Las Vegas as one of 13 High Intensity Child Prostitution Areas. In their 2017 annual report. The Nevada Coalition to Prevent the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children gave an estimate of 5,687 victims of child sex trafficking in Nevada. In 2018, the Impact NV advisory board voted to prioritize the fight against human trafficking

The drawing will be held on Zoom and the wine will be delivered to the winners.  You did not need to be present to win.

The Summerlin Las Vegas Rotary Club provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards and builds goodwill in our community.  The club's focus is on at-risk youth, those who are homeless, lack parental support, transient, or involved in human trafficking.   The club was established in 1997 and serves the western reaches of the Las Vegas Valley.  Our members are business and professional leaders who are active in improving the quality of life in our community.  Learn more about the Summerlin Las Vegas Rotary Club at

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