Win This 1947 Cessna 140

· Entries close Oct 26, 2024 at 5:00PM ·

9 days to go

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Enter our Raffle for Your Chance to Win. A limited number of raffle tickets will be offered. The more you purchase – the better your odds!

The Oklahoma Airmen Flying Club is a non-profit general aviation organization that was established in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1953. Our goal has always been to make flying accessible, affordable, safe and fun for as many aviation enthusiasts as possible. Our long-term goal is to continue to help more pilots achieve their aviation dreams by growing and expanding our club, while keeping our membership fees low and affordable as we grow.

This 1947 Cessna 140 is a classic.  There's no better way to exercise your tailwheel endorsement than in this classic, side-by-side two-seater aircraft.  With its newly overhauled Continental C85-12 engine, N94HR has plenty of power and is extremely economical to fly.  Worried about your $100 hamburger turning into a $200 hamburger?  Not with this baby.

Upgrades include:
•    Classic Sensenich wood prop
•    Electrical system/electric start
•    Garmin G5 attitude indicator
•    Becker COM radio
•    Garmin Aera 660 GPS
•    Garmin GTX 327 transponder
•    SkyBeacon ADS-B out
•    New seat upholstery
•    Fresh April 2024 annual 

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  • The Oklahoma Airmen Flying Club, Inc. (the “Club”) is an Oklahoma Not-for-Profit Corporation registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(7) organization.
  • The Raffle Committee of the Club (the “Committee”) is responsible for conducting the Raffle of a 1947 Cessna 140 N94HR and other prizes (the “Raffle”) and the invitation of individuals to register as Club Members as Social Members.
  • Raffle Creator (the “Raffle Manager”) is responsible for the management of the Raffle.
  • Club Officers, Committee Members, Raffle Manager Employees, and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate in the Raffle.
  • The Participants must be 18 years of age or older.  U.S. Citizenship is not a requirement for participation. Participants include Current Club Members and Social Members (Social Membership is included in purchase of Raffle Ticket)
  • All Prize Winners shall be selected from the list of qualified Participants.

  • The Grand Prize shall be the  1947 Cessna 140 N94HR .
  • The Club may offer other prizes throughout the term of the Raffle.
  • All prizes are “as-is, where-is, with all faults.”  NO WARRANTY IS PROVIDED FOR ANY PRIZE BY THE CLUB, COMMITTEE, OR RAFFLE MANAGER.
  • The Club is offering 5,000 raffle tickets for the Raffle.
  • Each Raffle Ticket’s face value is $50.00, and discounts are available for the purchase of multiple Raffle Tickets by a Participant.  The Raffle Tickets do not have a cash value.
  • Purchasing a ticket also purchases a Social Membership into the Club.
  • For an individual Raffle Ticket sold for $50.00 to a new member, $12.50 shall be allocated to Social Membership dues and membership fees, and $37.50 shall be allocated as a charge and assessment for the Raffle Ticket.  For an individual Raffle Ticket sold for $50.00 to a current Club Member, $50.00 shall be allocated as a charge and assessment for the  Raffle Ticket.
  • For a group of three Raffle Tickets sold for $135.00 to a new member, $12.50 shall be allocated to Social Membership dues and membership fees, and $122.50 shall be allocated as a charge and assessment for the three Raffle Tickets ($40.83/each).  For a group of three Raffle Tickets sold for $135.00 to a current Club Member, $135.00 shall be allocated as a charge and assessment for the three Raffle Tickets ($45/each).
  • For a group of five Raffle Tickets sold for $200.00 to a new member, $12.50 shall be allocated to Social Membership dues and membership fees, and $187.50 shall be allocated as a charge and assessment for the five Raffle Tickets ($37.50/each).  For a group of five Raffle Tickets sold for $200.00 to a current Club Member, $200.00 shall be allocated as a charge and assessment for the three Raffle Tickets ($40.00/each).
  • Participants with a Social Membership are entitled to participate in all of the Club’s social and recreational events for one year from the date of purchase of the Raffle Ticket.  This includes all social and recreational events, weekly lunches, in-person meetings, and socially-distanced meetings.  The purpose of the Social Membership is to introduce a Participant to the Club and current Club Members without the larger financial commitment of a Voting Membership.
  • Within 24 hours of a Raffle Ticket purchase, the Raffle Manager shall send a confirmation email to a Participant.  The email shall contain a unique number for the Participant’s Raffle Ticket.  It is the Participant’s responsibility and duty is to ensure the Raffle Manager has current contact information (name, address, phone number, email address, etc.) for the Participant.  The Club and Committee shall not be responsible for lost or misdirected email or out-of-date contact information.  Participants that do not receive a confirmation email should contact the Club at [email protected].
  • It is the Participant’s responsibility and duty is to safeguard the unique number of their Raffle Ticket(s).
  • The Social Membership and Raffle Tickets are not transferrable.
  • Raffle Ticket purchases are not deductible as a charitable contribution.

  • The Raffle is governed by the laws of the State of Oklahoma.
  • The Raffle is invalid outside of the United States and VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.
  • All Raffle Ticket purchases shall be from Jenks, Tulsa County, Oklahoma.
  • Delivery of the Grand Prize shall be at Riverside Airport (KRVS), Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Other Prize Winners shall make mutually agreeable arrangements for the delivery of their prizes.

  • The Raffle shall begin on May 1, 2024.
  • The Raffle shall end on October 26th, 2024 unless modified as described below.
  • If less than 3,000 Raffle Tickets are sold by October 26th, 2024, the Committee, in its sole discretion, may extend the term of the Raffle until a minimum of 3,000 Raffle Tickets are sold.
  • If the maximum number of tickets are sold prior to October 26th, 2024, the Committee, in its sole discretion, may end the raffle at an earlier date. 
  • The Club shall publish any change to the end date of the Raffle on the Club’s website.
  • Communications about the raffle and its winners will be communicated through the Oklahoma Airmen Flying Club Facebook and through their email address as noted below. 

  • The Club is sponsoring the Raffle as a fundraising event and membership drive. This will be used to add to the discretionary fund to support future growth of the club.

  • Each Participant warrants to the Club, the Committee, and the Raffle Manager that they can accept their Raffle Ticket(s) via email and legally participate in the Raffle.
  • The Committee, in its sole discretion, is responsible for all clarifications, decisions, and interpretations of how the Raffle is conducted. The Committee, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to change, modify, or amend the Terms & Conditions as necessary to comply with any federal, state, or local law. 
  • During the term of the Raffle, the Committee, in consultation with the Raffle Manager, may designate a ticket as a Prize Winner of a prize other than the Grand Prize.  
  • At the end of the Raffle, the Committee, in consultation with the Raffle Manager, shall designate a Participant as the Grand Prize Winner.  The Club shall make the Grand Prize available for inspection at the Riverside Airport (KRVS), Tulsa County, Oklahoma.
  • Participants don’t need to be present during the selection and designation of Prize Winners.
  • All Designated Prize Winners must demonstrate their ability to comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including the Aircraft Registration Requirements (CFR Part 47), if applicable.
  • All Designated Prize Winners must provide all necessary information to the Raffle Manager.  For example, the Raffle Manager may need information for identification or tax purposes.  If a Designated Prize Winner cannot provide the information, the Designated Prize Winner shall forfeit their claim to the prize without refund or further compensation.
  • All Designated Prize Winners must agree to the unrestricted use of their name, image, or other information to promote the Raffle, the Club, and Club activities.  A Designated Prize Winner shall not be eligible for additional compensation for the use of the information.  If a Designated Prize Winner cannot agree to the use of the information, the Designated Prize Winner shall forfeit their claim to the prize without refund or further compensation.
  • The Committee, in consultation with the Raffle Manager, shall designate a Participant as a Prize Winner for all forfeited prizes, if any.
  • The Club recommends Designated Prize Winners consult with their tax advisor before they accept any prizes.  All Prize Winners are responsible for all fees, taxes, or expenses involved in the acceptance and delivery of their prizes. Prize Winners are required to cooperate with the Raffle Committee on the withholding of income taxes according to the IRS and OTC requirements in effect when a Designated Prize Winner is selected.
  • All Designated Prize Winners will be notified by phone and by email of their selection by the Raffle Manager.  The Designated Prize Winner shall have 45 days from the date of the email to complete the above requirements.  If a Designated Prize Winner cannot complete the requirements, the Designated Prize Winner shall forfeit the claim to the prize without refund or other compensation unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing.
  • The Club’s delivery and the Designated Prize Winner’s acceptance of all prizes is expressly conditioned on the execution of a delivery agreement by the Designated Prize Winner, which includes a waiver of liability and release of all claims against the Club, and satisfaction of all federal and state tax requirements. 
  • If a prize should become unavailable to award at the time of the drawing, the Committee, in its sole discretion, may 1.) reschedule the drawing; 2.) reschedule the award date; or 3.) award the cash equivalent of the prize based on the cost to the Club.
  • All risk of loss for a prize shall pass from the Club to a Prize Winner upon delivery.
  • No proceeds from the Raffle shall inure to the benefit of any private shareholder.
  • All decisions of the Rules Committee are final and not subject to review by a court of law or equity, binding arbitration, or any other means.


The Prize

  • 1947 Cessna 140 N94HR

    The 2024 airplane is this beautiful, classic 1947 Cessna 140!  Besides its classic, nostalgic looks and great flying characteristics this beauty includes the following:

    • Continental C85-12 engine w/ fresh Red Man Custom Engines overhaul with less than 50 hours SMOH
    • Electrical system/electric start
    • Classic Sensenich wood prop
    • Garmin G5 attitude indicator
    • Becker COM radio
    • Garmin Aera 660 GPS
    • Garmin GTX 327 transponder
    • SkyBeacon ADS-B out
    • New seat upholstery
    • Fresh April 2024 annual

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