Gallaudet University NSSLHA 50/50 Fundraiser

$1,081.00 raised

· Entries close Feb 28, 2021 at 11:00PM ·

0 days to go

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The Gallaudet University NSSLHA chapter is fundraising for Deaf Planet Soul. This is a Deaf-run organization focused on children's literacy, job training, ASL training, Deaf Sensitivity, and more to provide resources and support for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community. Here is a link to check out their website.
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This 50/50 Raffle is designed to donate 50% of donations to Deaf Planet Soul and the other 50% to the raffle winner. Each ticket signifies 1 entry into the raffle. The more tickets you buy, the higher the prize and the more likely you are to win. 

The Prizes

  • 50/50 Prize

    The prize is based on how much money is in the pot. 50% of the fundraiser earnings will go to Deaf Planet Soul and 50% of the earnings will go to the winner of the raffle!  The more tickets you buy, the higher your chance of winning. Every dollar counts!
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  • Most Tickets Bought

    The person who buys the most tickets will receive a free GU sticker shipped to your house free of charge!
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