Huge Premium Liquor Package
We are raffling off a liquor package currently valued at over $1000. Items include
Buchanan’s Deluxe 750ml
Ron Marques del Valle 750ml
Ketel One Vodka 1L
Ketel One Vodka 1.75L
Johnny Walker Black 750ml
Beluga 750ml
Glenlivet Single Malt Boxed Set
Patron Reposada Tequila 750ml
Casamigos 750ml
Four Roses Bourbon 750ml
Sheridan’s coffee layered liqueur 1L
Jack Daniels 750ml
Tito’s Vodka 750ml
Crown Royal 1L
Chivas Regal 750ml
Flor da Caña 1.75L
Palazzo Red blend Wine 750ml
Talaria Zinfandel Wine 750ml
Nisia Las Suertes wine 750ml, and more.... new items added every week,
We will hand-deliver to anywhere in South Florida. We are unable to ship.
Buchanan’s Deluxe 750ml
Ron Marques del Valle 750ml
Ketel One Vodka 1L
Ketel One Vodka 1.75L
Johnny Walker Black 750ml
Beluga 750ml
Glenlivet Single Malt Boxed Set
Patron Reposada Tequila 750ml
Casamigos 750ml
Four Roses Bourbon 750ml
Sheridan’s coffee layered liqueur 1L
Jack Daniels 750ml
Tito’s Vodka 750ml
Crown Royal 1L
Chivas Regal 750ml
Flor da Caña 1.75L
Palazzo Red blend Wine 750ml
Talaria Zinfandel Wine 750ml
Nisia Las Suertes wine 750ml, and more.... new items added every week,
We will hand-deliver to anywhere in South Florida. We are unable to ship.