· Entries close May 31, 2021 at 6:00PM ·
0 days to go
The 2021 North Miami Beach Little League season is on its way and going strong. As 2020 was a difficult year for all we hope you are all enjoying the season.
Thanks to a long time Little League Volunteer and JET BLUE Employee, Jet Blue has provided 2 airline tickets for the league and we have decided to raffle them off for the benefit of the league!
This online Raffle will be held beginning May 10th and the winner will be selected on May 28th!
1. 2 round trip tickets anywhere Jetblue Travels city to city. Individuals are responsible for any and all taxes associated with travel type. Expiration date: January 18, 2022
This raffle can help the league improve equipment, facilities and more opportunities for the baseball community in our area.