Travel Basket
Especially for the Eternal Optimist--A Travel Basket! created by the Northern Virginia Ladies who want to be ready for that first excursion into the "New Normal!"
Ricardo 360degree swivel-motion, wheeled SUITCASE
2 U-neck memory foam travel pillows
Memory foam travel cushion with luggage strap
Rand McNally 2020 Atlas
Digital luggage scale
Cable luggage lock, with resettable combination
Hefty "Shrink Pak" travel bags, 5-pack
Assorted luggage tags
Travel candle
Travel journal
Travel-size toiletries
Knights of Columbus special travel companion plush bear
Value $300
Ricardo 360degree swivel-motion, wheeled SUITCASE
2 U-neck memory foam travel pillows
Memory foam travel cushion with luggage strap
Rand McNally 2020 Atlas
Digital luggage scale
Cable luggage lock, with resettable combination
Hefty "Shrink Pak" travel bags, 5-pack
Assorted luggage tags
Travel candle
Travel journal
Travel-size toiletries
Knights of Columbus special travel companion plush bear
Value $300