YouNique Starz Spring Fundraiser

$0.00 raised

· Entries close Jun 19, 2021 at 2:00PM ·

0 days to go

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YouNique Starz Dance Team is a Community Dance Team located in Salisbury, NC.  Our primary focus is to serve a population of children ages 3yrs to 19yrs, teaching the art of Majorette Dance, encouraging children to complete their educations, keeping children off the street and engaged in positive events, and keeping children out of gangs  We also focus on anti-bullying and take a pledge each year to stand up for others and help when we can!  YouNique Starz performs in their community and other surrounding communities! They compete at numerous competitions during the season.  Due to COVID, Younique Starz was unable to meet for dance or to compete in competitions. Fortunately, we are now practicing, while adhering to social distancing protocols and we are preparing for the new competition season.  YouNique Starz charges a small monthly fee that goes back into the program to pay for competition fees.  Due to financial hardships and loss of jobs, some parents cannot afford the uniform package at this time so we are holding a fundraiser to raise the money and keep these children dancing.  YouNique Starz was established in 2015.  Please help us keep these young people doing the things they LOVE.  You can help with any size donation but a $5.00 donation will purchase a chance to win a $500 prize! Each uniform package is $200 and it contains 10 items!  You can also sponsor a child by purchasing their package! Thank you so much in advance for your assistance! The drawing for the prize will be conducted LIVE on June 19, 2021 at 3pm @
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The Prize

  • $500

    $500 for something SPECIAL or EXTRA bill money! Take a much needed VACATION!