For the first time in 10 years, the PHC peewee major team has qualified for Le Tournoi de Quebec, one of the most prestigious tournaments in the world. The tournament is run over a 2 week period in February in downtown Quebec, where the Providence team will compete against the best teams in the world. To help defray the costs of the trip, we are holding this raffle. Please support us in any way possible. And good luck!
The Prizes
Patriots tickets
2 tickets to a Patriots home game in 2022
Tampa Bay Bucs home game
2 tickets to a Tampa Bay Buccaneers home game in 2022 plus parking passes
Bruins Islanders tickets in NY
2 tickets to a Bruins Islanders game on 2/17 in NY. Section 107 Row 27
golf package
4some at Ledgemont CC and a 4some at Kirkbrae CC in 2022
$1000 cash prize
straight cash baby!
$1000 gift card extravaganza
$200 Trinity Brewpub $200 Rock Spot Cliimbing Gym $200 Capital Grille $400 Amazon