Jennifer Kohlmann is a local business owner in Junction City, and was recently diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. She will undergo surgery, and then start chemo treatments at the KU Med Center. Phat Boyz in Junction City has donated a truck to raffle off in an effort to raise money to assist the family with medical and travel expenses as necessary for her treatment. This truck was won by Lana Baldwin on June 11, 2021. Lana is a Bluejay and had bought 5 tickets on the first raffle. She immediately said that she wanted to give the truck back for a second raffle in an attempt to raise more money for the Kohlmann Family! There will be tickets sold for $100, in an effort to raise more money to assist the family. We will also be accepting cash donations in addition to the truck raffle. Thank you for your support of one of our own! #onefamily