The Free & Accepted Masons of Milton, VT Lodge Seneca #40 are putting on a raffle for 3 hunting rifles! Hunting season is just around the corner so you do not want to miss this! We are only selling 400 tickets in this raffle. All tickets are $20 each. We will end the raffle on the date specified if we do not sell all tickets, or we will end the raffle and do the drawing the weekend after all the tickets are sold! All proceeds benefit Seneca #40. We have much work to do to our aging facility, and any and all donations over and above the raffle tickets is greatly appreciated by your brothers. If this raffle and drawing dinner are successful, these will be become more and more frequent, as we hope to bring the community together! Thank you again for your support!
Winners have 30 days from date of drawing to claim your prize. If you do not claim your prize we will draw another ticket for that prize.
****Disclaimer, Winner must not be prohibited by law to posses****