Cheri's Benefit Raffle

$100.00 raised

· Entries close Mar 13, 2022 at 1:00AM ·

0 days to go

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Hello family! My friend and fellow gay Cheri is in need of significant medical treatment and this is going to seriously impact her ability to provide for herself in the coming months! 
SO... I am hosting a DIGITAL benefit show and rafffle in her honor! I hope you'll consider volunteering a number, attending the show (flyer to come) or donating to her gofundme!
Thanks to all of you in advance!

The Prizes

  • Ben and Jerry's Gift Card

    $10 value! Great for a date or a special treat, this gift card is redeemable at any Ben and Jerry's location!
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  • Ben & Jerry's Gift Card 2

    $10 value! Redeemable at any Ben and Jerry's location!
  • Cannabox

    Get an awesome theme with 6-8 useful accessories like premium glass pipes & bongs, dab rigs, rolling papers, rolling trays, snacks, and gear.
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    A great gift for yourself or the leaf enthusiast in you life!
  • Red River Theatres Movie Pack

    Movie and popcorn passes for 2 at Red River Theatres- great date/family night idea!
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  • Red River Theatre Movie Pack 2

    Movie and popcorn passes for 2 at Red River Theatres!
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  • See all the prizes