21st Annual Cochon de-lait Raffle

$25,240.00 raised

· Entries close Mar 12, 2022 at 7:00PM ·

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21st Annual Cochon de-lait and Raffle

Saturday, March 12, 2022, The Janell Legier LaCombe Memorial Fund (aka "Nell's Angels") will host their 21st annual Cochon de-lait fundraiser and raffle.  The cancer charity hosts two annual events, one in the spring and one in late summer. This spring event primarily supports our scholarship program along with funding direct grants to cancer patients and their families. Scholarships are awarded to high school seniors from all 4 high schools in Pointe Coupee parish. Since its inception, Nell's angels has awarded 190 scholarships to graduating seniors, and raised and donated over $745,000 to people with cancer and to charities that support them.

On Saturday, plate lunches of roasted hog, jambalaya & white beans will be sold at The Red Monkey Bar & Grill in Fodoche, La from 11 am until sold out. Live music will be provided throughout the day.  The raffle will close at 4pm and the drawing will be held at 5:30pm. 
Address: The Red Monkey 5661 La Hwy 77, Fordoche, La. 70732
About Nells-Angels 

In June 2001, Janell LaCombe, a native and lifetime resident of Pointe Coupee Parish, lost her battle with cancer. Her family and friends soon created the Janell Legier-LaCombe Memorial Fund in her honor. This non-profit organization was started with a simple purpose....to help and assist families who are battling with cancer and to encourage others to assist as well.
Nell's Angels is a Louisiana based, non-profit corporation in good standing with the Louisiana Secretary of State. Just like cancer, we do not discriminate based on race, religion, income or sexual orientation. All proceeds benefits cancer patients and their families in our community.


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