10,000 DogeCoins Only $1 Per Ticket!!!

$1.00 raised

· Entries close May 31, 2022 at 12:00PM ·

0 days to go

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Chance to win 10,000 DogeCoins Only $1 Per Ticket!!!

5/31/2022 at 12:00p.m. the raffle will end and the drawing will be completed with in 2 days.

If you win then we will reach out to you on how you want to receive the prize.
(Dogecoin is not a physical coin, this is a digital currency under cyprto. Winner most send us dogecoin wallet address to receive prize)

Please be responsible and enjoy!!!

The Prize

  • 10,000 DogeCoins

    10,000 DogeCoins, at dogecoin's highest price, this prize would be worth almost $6,900