Free Tyree Wallace Fundraiser

$390.00 raised

· Entries close Jun 19, 2022 at 12:00PM ·

0 days to go

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Tyree Wallace has served twenty-four years for a crime in which he did not commit. Despite all of the evidence that proves his innocence he still remains incarcerated. 

  • Tyree overwhelmingly passed a voluntary polygraph test that showed he could be "reasonably ruled out as a suspect" for the crime
  • Supported by The PA Innocence Project, Tyree’s innocence has been thoroughly vetted and multiple witness statements have been discredited as unreliable 
  • There is absolutely no physical evidence tying Tyree to the crime

Funding a campaign to push for Tyree's release is expensive and we need your support. Please participate in this raffle and if are able, purchase a Free Tyree wristband, or make a donation.

All of the proceeds of the raffle will be split between Tyree Wallace and the Stephen Girard Elementary School as part of a fundraising effort by Tyree to purchase tables and chairs for those children. Please, if have not already signed Tyree's petition for his release, take a moment to sign now! 

You can support Tyree's latest endeavor to make systemic change by visiting to learn more about his non-profit organization!

The Prizes

  • $50 AMC Movie Theater Gift Card

    Check out a new release, treat some friends, or make it a date. $50 AMC gift card will be delivered to you via email if you win this prize.
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  • $100 Airbnb Gift Card

    Take a trip or go on an Airbnb experience! $100 Airbnb gift card will be delivered to you via email if you win this prize.
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  • SCI Phoenix Artwork

    A piece of art created by Tyree's friend Keith Andrews will be mailed to you if you win this prize.