This basket has been compiled from items I’ve purchased, received as gifts, or from special events/promotions from my job. While the vast majority of the items are cosmetic/beauty related, there are some extras as well. Certain products may be specific to an individuals skin tone or personal taste, so if you win the basket and find you don’t like or want some of the products- please consider giving them to someone who would enjoy them.
All proceeds from this raffle will be donated between two charities I’ve selected for Pride month: Pride For Youth (PFY) and The Trevor Project. PFY is an extension of the Long Island Crisis Center that focuses on providing outreach, education, and safe spaces for LGBTQ+ individuals and their families. They provide social work and food stability services, as well as resources for medical transition and legal name/gender change. The Trevor Project is an American nonprofit organization founded in 1998. It focuses on suicide prevention efforts among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth. Through a toll-free telephone number, it operates The Trevor Lifeline, a confidential service that offers trained counselors.
Please note: more products may be added to the basket throughout the collection period so be sure to check back on this page to see if anything new has been added! The winner of this basket will NOT have to pay for shipping (as long as they currently reside in the United States). If you have any questions about the products or the raffle, please email
[email protected].