Marie C. Petrilli Memorial Golf Tournament

$4,100.00 raised

· Entries close Jun 16, 2017 at 2:00PM ·

0 days to go

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 For over 18 years we have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars which we have used to provide support to deserving patients, survivors, families, caregivers and researchers to help them cope, care and fight the battle to stamp out Cancer. Since inception, our grants and awards total nearly $350,000! We are asking for your support so that we may reach an ambitious goal of raising $120,000. This past year our fund made grants totaling approximately $50,000 to families waging the physical, financial and emotional battle with cancer. We are excited to get our 5th annual tournament underway and look forward to creating an exciting event that will differentiate our tournament from all others. 

The Prizes


    Grand Prize Trip includes a 4 Night, 5 day accommodation for 2 people and air travel vouchers
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  • Others Include

    Wine Baskets, Golf Bags, Golf Balls, Restaurant Gift cards  Ect.