Help Kid's Battling Cancer! Grab a Raffle Ticket ($10) for a chance to WIN a ONE of KIND SIGNED GUITAR from C. Thomas Howell (TOMMY HOWELL)

· Entries close Oct 25, 2023 at 8:00PM ·

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Tommy hand-wrote lyrics and signed a guitar, to help us raise money for Kid's battling cancer.
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In 2016, I lost one of my son's Philip, to Stage-4 Glioblastoma (Brain Cancer), when he contracted it without warning, at age 13... then, he courageously battled it for 14-months, and, devastatingly, passed away in my arms, at Norton's Children's Hospital, on April 13th, 2016.

Phil was amazing in so many ways! Even in the midst of his battle against (his own) brain cancer, 5-surgeries, chemo, radiation treatments, and more, he never complained, once! He always put other's first, and... Art, Music, Family & Friends, were always by his side/ a part of his journey (before, and during his cancer battle)!

In that spirit, we want ALL kids and their families to feel the support, love, and community- holding them tightly, as they fight this terrible disease together (and, as they do everything they can to cure their child, or make their life as comfortable as possible)!

The 1st FEST-A-PHIL was the most heart-touching thing I've ever been a part of in my life... after Phil passed away, I said I wanted to do this each year, to help other kid;s and their families, and now, after so many challenges, delays, Covid, and other personal setbacks, we're finally bringing this to YOU!
Please join us, for an amazing time, with incredibly talented performers, musicians, songwriters, artists, sponsors and more... be a part of making the biggest difference in the lives of those who have barely begun to live their lives, and must often face their end, far far too soon...

YOU can & will make SUCH a POSITIVE DIFFERENCE in their lives! while ENJOYING some of the best MUSIC, from some of the best musicians, songwriters, and entertainers, with the BIGGEST HEARTS!
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The Prizes