Pelican Classic Golf Cart Raffle

· Entries close Mar 04, 2024 at 4:00PM ·

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The Most Blessed Sacrament Pelican Classic Golf Tournament is pleased to present the raffle for this beautiful Club Car Precedent 4-seater lifted electric golf cart with lots of bells and whistles.

This tournament is put on by the Men's Club of Most Blessed Sacrament. The exclusive goal of this tournament is to fund over $20,000 in need based scholarships to 2 current MBS students.

-The Danny Major Memorial Scholarship funds a graduating 8th grader's full year of tuition and fees to the catholic high school of their choice.

-The Francis Guillory Memorial Scholarship funds a current MBS underclassman's full year of MBS tuition and fees.

Louisiana Charitable Gaming License No: G0004250
Operator: Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church

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The Prize

  • Club Car Precedent Phoenix 4-Seater Lifted Electric Golf Cart with lots of bells and whistles

    -4 year warranty

    -Street legal (horn, brake and head lights, turn signals)

    -Lift kit plus custom tires, wheels, and grill

    -Premium Club Car seat cushion upgrade

    -Extended 4 person hardtop

    -Rear seat converts to cargo hard deck with storage hatch

    -$9,000.00 value

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