Fighting for Rylan - Rylan's Heart Journey

$1,020.00 raised

· Entries close Oct 20, 2024 at 4:00PM ·

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Anthony and Peyton Maples received news that no new parent-to-be wants to hear, that their little bundle of joy is already a warrior and has 2 heart defects. This will require multiple open-heart surgeries, with the first one being within one week of being born. This will require Peyton to deliver Rylan at UAB - Childrens Hospital and will be in NICU for 6-7 months. Again, expecting to be in Birmingham for another 4-8 weeks. Just being parents for the first time is overwhelming, to add that your little one will be fighting for his life is more than anyone should have to endure. We are raising money to help prepare mommy and daddy to be by Rylan's side during this difficult time. We are planning for Anthony to be out of work for at least 4 months and Peyton will be out of work for at least the first year. As the first year will be very crucial that Rylan stay germ-free and will not be allowed to go to daycare or even leave the house until his immune system can build up. Please visit our Facebook page Fighting for Rylan - Rylan's heart journey as we move through this unexpected journey. We ask that you pray for Rylan and for God to Heal his heart and to pray for the parent to have courage, strength, and peace, we thank you for your thoughts and prayers and even more the support and love from our community is overwhelming, we cannot thank you enough.

The Prizes