Raffles are a great way of raising money for your soccer team. You'll be able sell tickets to friends, family, and schoolmates. You'll also be able to sell to local businesses, they love to supportĀ sports teams, and raffle tickets are an easy sell.
Services From Your Team Soccer teams are brimming with man power: use it to your advantage! You can offer different services like house cleaning and car washes. These are great because you don't have to pay for them, and you can offer as many as you need.
Gift Cards Gift cards are easy to get and are look great on a prize roster.
Babysitting Another great service to offer
Getting prizes donated isn't hard, but it takes effort, and you need to be prepared to be rejected. Most stores around your neighborhood will make some sort of donation. But you can also reach out to larger ones, like Walmart and Target. Companies like these have huge portions of their earnings and stock set aside for charitable donations.
We recommend you skip paper tickets for your Soccer Raffles.
When we run our raffles, we always skip physical tickets. When you're selling tickets online, your customers don't need a physical ticket stub, so why even bother making any?
Instead, Raffle Creator provides our special Raffle Drawer, which will take all of your entrants and pick winners for all of your prizes. Quick and easy.
If you still want to print paper tickets, we provide a one-click system to do so. No futzing around with paper raffle ticket templates in Word or Excel.
Start Selling Your Raffle Online